Thursday, September 6, 2012


行动党网络兵团与粉丝妖魔化与诅咒李宗伟的行径,林吉祥的言论就显得虚伪与苍白,没有说服力。行动党领袖扮黑臉與白臉的策略,人民都看在眼里,祈祷李宗伟被林丹击败,再给他提供十万令吉的羞辱奖励,根本就没有诚意。民联三党都是政治抹黑文化的领导者,行动党遇到国阵做的好事,都会抹黑为坏事或坏人。 砂拉越去年第十届州选举期间,就因为光良、张栋梁和林宇中等人在国阵的场合表演,就遭到行动党狂热分子杯葛,列为讨伐的对象。行动党指人联党的竞选操作模式都是用钱买回来的包括请歌星站台表演。但现在行动党各地组织却邀请曾是大马十大歌星的曾潍山站台开唱,不但抄袭人联党的模式,还把曾潍山当英雄来贩卖! 行动党这种仇恨政治文化延伸到体育与艺术领域,不时为运动健儿及艺人乱扣帽子,打击运动员与艺人的形象。社交网络充满类似上述“泛政治化”的言论。行动党为达到目的,泛政治化丑化国阵,泛政治化美化民联,甚至不需要事实,而需要大量的谎言和谣言。“泛政治化”思维存在的现实基础就是必然的要“分裂人民”,实践的手段就是挑动人民或族群之间互斗,林吉祥父子多年来就是通过如此手段,实现个人目的。远如文革,近如台湾的民进党,玩的都是如台湾前总统陈水扁那类简单的“政治割裂术”。 行动党词典没有团结和包容, 对于行动党,尤其是林吉祥父子来说,族群的团结和包容永远是该党的第一个天敌。该党深恐国阵团结人民,各族和谐包容过日子,行动党就显得没有作为,天下太平则是行动党的的末日。看看行动党如何破坏及诬蔑今年的国庆主题、主题设计和主题曲,嘲讽及诅咒运动员李宗伟,就知道该党是何等的抗拒团结和包容的价值观。行动党无法向群众中注入激情,唯有通过分裂群众,令群众撕裂。行动党领袖的讲词或言论中,何曾出现过团结和包容的内涵?或许,民联三党的词典里面根本就没有团结和包容这两个词组。在其施政《橙皮书》里头就更找不到这些价值观了。


Gerakan Youth Secretary General, Dr Dominic Lau Hoe Chai condemned the act of several individuals who aggressively defaced and stepped on the picture of prime minister Datuk Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak together with the participants of ‘Himpunan Janji Bersih’ who carried ‘new flags’. “These are the few people who acted stupidly against the country and leader. It is a foolish way to express ones dissatisfaction towards the government. What are we showing towards our children when telling them to be respectful and tolerant whereas they behaved like barbarians?” He further commented that even if an individual was dissatisfied with the country’s leaders, they can voice their opinion in the ballot box and not through violent means just to get attention. “After all we are a democratic country, backed with a constitution which guarantees freedom of expression, so there is no need to act like that.” He also expressed fear that the act of defacing the portrait of the country’s leader will spark a chain reaction that might tempt others to do the same in the near future. Therefore he urged that the perpetrators to come out and admit their mistakes for their irresponsible actions had hurt peace-loving Malaysians who elected their leaders democratically. Regarding the ‘new flags’ issue, Dr Dominic expressed shock over the incident for ‘Sang Saka Malaya” symbolized treason to the country. He commented that no matter how angry a person is towards the government; he should still be loyal towards the country for the flag displays sovereignty and national pride. Countering claims where the act has been practiced all the time in the West, he stated that Malaysia is an Asian country with Asian values and therefore should not adopt the ‘Wild West’ attitude as it is not our norm. “Although we guaranteed freedom of expression, that does not mean one can simply blurt without considering the consequences. Who is going to ensure that the peace that we are enjoying now will be preserved if the country falls into chaos and destruction? Therefore, one has to think and say something responsibly for the sake of the country and greater society.”